Adonis - A World of Magic

Anonymous - Tom o' Bedlam's Song

Anonymous - The Unquiet Grave

W. H. Auden - As I Walked Out One Evening

Ingeborg Bachmann - "Who am I then, in golden September"

Ellen Bass - Gate C22

Hilaire Belloc - Tarantella

Wendell Berry - The Wish to Be Generous

Elizabeth Bishop - Anaphora

Elizabeth Bishop - Arrival at Santos

Elizabeth Bishop - Crusoe in England

Elizabeth Bishop - Insomnia

Elizabeth Bishop - One Art

Elizabeth Bishop - Sandpiper

Elizabeth Bishop - Song for the Rainy Season

Elizabeth Bishop - Squatter’s Children

Elizabeth Bishop - The Armadillo

Elizabeth Bishop - The Shampoo

William Blake - Auguries of Innocence

Emily Brontë - "Often rebuked, yet always back returning"

Gwendolyn Brooks - The Bean Eaters

The Brothers Grimm - The Star Talers

Elizabeth Barrett Browning - The Best

Robert Browning - Wanting is — What?

Georg Büchner - Lenz

Thomas Campion - I Care Not for These Ladies

Paul Celan - Todesfuge

Joseph Ceravolo - Spring in This World of Poor Mutts

Lucille Clifton - the lost baby poem

Leonard Cohen - Chelsea Hotel #2

Leonard Cohen - Suzanne

Henri Cole - Green Shade

Robert Cording - Old Houses

Hart Crane - Repose of Rivers

Hart Crane - Southern Cross

Hart Crane - Voyages

Robert Creeley - Love Comes Quietly

Robert Creeley - The Flower

Robert Creeley - The Rain

E. E. Cummings - "All in green went my love riding"

E. E. Cummings - "because i love you)last night"

E. E. Cummings - "I dreamed I was among the conquerors"

E. E. Cummings - "I have seen her a stealthily frail"

E. E. Cummings - "i like my body when it is with your"

E. E. Cummings - "if the Lovestar grows most big"

E. E. Cummings - "in spite of everything"

E. E. Cummings - "is there a flower(whom"

E. E. Cummings - "may my heart always be open to little"

E. E. Cummings - "now air is air and thing is thing"

E. E. Cummings - "next to of course god america i"

E. E. Cummings - "O sweet spontaneous"

E. E. Cummings - "since feeling is first"

E. E. Cummings - "some ask praise of their fellows"

E. E. Cummings - "somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond"

E. E. Cummings - "sunlight was over"

E. E. Cummings - "suppose"

E. E. Cummings - "the ivory performing rose"

E. E. Cummings - "the moon looked into my window"

E. E. Cummings - "the sky a silver"

E. E. Cummings - "the little horse is newlY"

E. E. Cummings - "this is the garden:colours come and go"

E. E. Cummings - "unto thee i"

E. E. Cummings - "up into the silence the green"

E. E. Cummings - "when hair falls off and eyes blur And"

E. E. Cummings - "yes is a pleasant country"

E. E. Cummings - "you are like the snow only"

James Dickey - The Lifeguard

Emily Dickinson - "Ah, Necromancy Sweet!"

Emily Dickinson - "I cautious, scanned my little life —"

Emily Dickinson - "I held a Jewel in my fingers —"

Emily Dickinson - "I should not dare to leave my friend"

Emily Dickinson - "Morns like these — we parted —"

Emily Dickinson - "My River runs to thee —"

Emily Dickinson - "The Daisy follows soft the Sun —"

Emily Dickinson - "There is a morn by men unseen —"

Emily Dickinson - "We wear our sober Dresses when we die"

Emily Dickinson - "What shall I do — it whimpers so —"

Emily Dickinson - "Will there really be a 'Morning'?"

Stuart Dischell - She Put on Her Lipstick in the Dark

Hilda Doolittle - Helen

Hilda Doolittle - The Helmsman

Hilda Doolittle - Leda

Carlos Drummond de Andrade - In the Middle of the Road

Carlos Drummond de Andrade - Travelling in the Family

Robert Duncan - Achilles' Song

Gunnar Ekelöf - Greece

T. S. Eliot - "April is the cruellest month"

T. S. Eliot - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Rachel Field - Something Told the Wild Geese

Robert Frost - Acquainted with the Night

Gwen Harwood - At Mornington

Dah Helmer - Earth

Nazim Hikmet - Things I Didn’t Know I Loved

Max Jacob - Ballad of the Country Exile

Eugene Jolas - Mater Dolorosa

John Keats - Bright Star

John Keats - The Dove

John Keats - Faery Songs

John Keats - "O thou whose face hath felt the Winter’s wind"

John Keats - Ode on a Grecian Urn

John Keats - Song of Four Fairies

John Keats - "Welcome joy, and welcome sorrow"

X. J. Kennedy - Nude Descending a Staircase

Søren Kierkegaard - Virgilius

Ted Kooser - Two

Joanne Kyger - And with March a Decade in Bolinas

Kathryn Kysar - Escape from Paradise, Iowa

Li-Young Lee - From Blossoms

Eleanor Lerman - Starfish

Denise Levertov - Living

Haki R. Madhubuti - Big Momma

Christopher Marlowe - The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

William Matthews - Drizzle

Lo Kwa Mei-en - Rara Avis Decoy

W. S. Merwin - Autumn Evening

W. S. Merwin - By Day and By Night

W. S. Merwin - Canción y Glosa

W. S. Merwin - Festival

W. S. Merwin - The Highway

W. S. Merwin - In One of the Retreats of Morning

W. S. Merwin - Invocation

W. S. Merwin - Kore

W. S. Merwin - The Paw

W. S. Merwin - Separation

W. S. Merwin - Spring

W. S. Merwin - Summer

W. S. Merwin - Surf-Casting

W. S. Merwin - Things

John Milton - Paradise Lost

John Milton - Lycidas

Robert Morgan - Ancient Script

Lorine Niedecker - War

George Oppen - Survival: Infantry

Wilfred Owen - Dulce et Decorum Est

Linda Pastan - To a Daughter Leaving Home

Fernando Pessoa - Lisbon Revisited (1926)

Sylvia Plath - Daddy

Sylvia Plath - The Applicant

Sylvia Plath - The Colossus

Stanley Plumly - Beach Reading

Edgar Allan Poe - Annabel Lee

Alexander Pope - A Hymn Written in Windsor Forest

F. T. Prince - The Wind in the Tree

Charles Reznikoff - "A brown oak leaf"

Charles Reznikoff - Free Verse

Charles Reznikoff - "I like this secret walking"

Charles Reznikoff - Rainy Season

Rainer Maria Rilke - Archaic Torso of Apollo

Rainer Maria Rilke - Death

Rainer Maria Rilke - "Long you must suffer, not knowing what"

W. R. Rodgers - War-Time

Theodore Roethke - Against Disaster

Theodore Roethke - Child on Top of a Greenhouse

Margaret Ross - Assisted Living

Anne Sexton - Her Kind

William Shakespeare - "Be not afeard. The isle is full of noises"

William Shakespeare - "Come away, come away, death"

William Shakespeare - "Come, you spirits / That tend on mortal thoughts"

William Shakespeare - "For so long / As he could make me with this eye or ear"

William Shakespeare - "Let fame, that all hunt after in their lives"

William Shakespeare - "O mistress mine, where are you roaming?"

William Shakespeare - "Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more"

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 1

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 2

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 14

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 15

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 18

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 30

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 56

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 64

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 65

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 73

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 91

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 94

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 100

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 105

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 130

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 154

William Shakespeare - "This new and gorgeous garment"

William Shakespeare - "Under the greenwood tree"

William Shakespeare - “When that I was and a little tiny boy"

William Shakespeare - "With fairest flowers"

William Shakespeare - "Your mind is tossing on the ocean"

Brenda Sieczkowski - Día de los Muertos

James Simmons - A Birthday Poem

Gilbert Sorrentino - "Across this water sits a shore"

Elizabeth Spires - A Memory of the Future

Marion Strobel - Spring Day

Algernon Charles Swinburne - August

Alfred Tennyson - Tithonus

Dylan Thomas - The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower

William Carlos Williams - This Is Just to Say

Jennifer Willoughby - Country on Fire

Walt Whitman - So Long!

W. B. Yeats - The Second Coming

W. B. Yeats - The Song of Wandering Aengus

W. B. Yeats - When You Are Old

Adam Zagajewski - To Go to Lvov

Ghassan Zaqtan - Handkerchief


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